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Objetos multimedia con categoría: Química
3' 02''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic chemicals of alkaline-earth metals: egg in vinegar
Module 3. Group 2
18 oct. 2016
6' 44''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic Chemicals of alkaline-earth metals: calcium and magnesium sulfates
Module 3. Group 2
18 oct. 2016
7' 32''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic chemicals of alkaline-earth metals: Calcium Carbonate
Module 3. Group 2
18 oct. 2016
8' 38''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Isolation and applications of alkaline-earth metals: alkaline-earth metals in the daily life
Module 3: Group 2
18 oct. 2016
3' 41''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Isolation and applications of alkaline-earth metals: isolation of alkaline-earth metals
Module 3: Group 2
18 oct. 2016
2' 34''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Properties and trends of alkaline-earth metals: alkaline-earth metals in the lab
Module 3: Group 2
18 oct. 2016
4' 43''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Properties and trends of alkaline-earth metals: Chemical properties of alkaline-earth metals. Berylium
Module 3: Group 2
18 oct. 2016
8' 03''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Properties and trends of alkaline-earth metals: alkaline-earth metals
Module 3: Group 2
18 oct. 2016
5' 10''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Talking about the main concepts of the week II: interview with students
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
5' 49''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY: Basic chemicals of alkali metals: synthesis of sodium carbonate in the lab
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
7' 06''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic chemicals of alkali metals: Sodium Carbonate
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
6' 02''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic chemicals of alkali metals: Sodium Hydroxide
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
11' 33''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Isolation and applications of alkali metals: alkali metals in the daily life
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
4' 23''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Isolation and applications of alkali metals: isolation of alkali metals
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
5' 39''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Properties and trends of alkali metals: alkali metals in the lab
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
5' 27''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Properties and trends of alkali metals: alkali metals
Module 2: Group 1
18 oct. 2016
3' 57''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Interview with students: talking about the main concepts of the week
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
8' 33''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Design and interpretation of redox and ph diagrams: Ellingham diagrams
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
9' 50''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Design and interpretation of redox and ph diagrams: frost diagrams
Module 1: Acid & base and edox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
5' 58''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Design and interpretation of redox and Ph diagrams: Latimer diagrams
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
5' 11''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic redox concepts: example of redox reactions
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
3' 33''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic redox concepts: balancing redox equations by ion-electron method
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
5' 25''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic redox concepts: balancing redox equations with the oxidation number method
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
6' 19''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic redox concepts: redox chemistry introduction
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
9' 53''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic acid and base concepts: factors influencing acid-base strength
Module 1: Acid & base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
11' 49''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Basic acid and base concepts: Arrhenius, BrØnsted-Lowry and Lewis theories
Module 1: Acid and base and redox properties of elements
18 oct. 2016
4' 59''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY: Metal and metalloids of the main groups: basis and their role in the daily life. Welcome
URJCx-MOOC Chemistry - Metal and Metalloids of the Main Groups: Basis and Their Role in the Daily Life
18 oct. 2016
2' 50''
URJCx-MOOC CHEMISTRY. Metal and Metalloids of the Main Groups: Basis and Their Role in the Daily Life. About
URJCx-MOOC Chemistry - Metal and Metalloids of the Main Groups: Basis and Their Role in the Daily Life
8 sept. 2016
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